Category "Baking"

September 7, 2017

Cake Decorating for Beginners

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Cake Baking becomes very popular among people and got interested in learning cake baking. Thus, due to this massive popularity for cake baking, the baking classes and decorating classes have been increased in large number. These classes cover all basic things about baking, you can learn whatever you need in baking. If you are a beginner, you can start learning everything from the Best Baking Classes in Chennai from basics to expert level.

In cake baking, the main thing you have to learn is that you have to should know the proper recipe and quantity of ingredients need to bake the cake. These are the first main thing that you need to learn in the baking class. Then you will start learning about baking cakes. The fist thing is that you should have to learn how to make the icing, then the next thing you have to learn from baking is to learn how to make the icing over the sponge flatly. The icing is very important to make decoration over the cake. Icing will be very tricky, so it will take some time to master in icing.

professional bakery classes in chennai

Once you learn to make icing then you should learn to spread it over the cake. The next thing you have to learn how to get the icing flat, it is not so easy as you think. You should have proper training and practice to make it flat. After icing, the next thing you have to learn is how to make decoration over the cake. You will learn to use a piping bag to make decoration over the cake now.if you learn to use piping bags you can make any designs you need in the cake.

Once you master icing and decorating you will have an idea about the basic cake baking and decorating. This is basic knowledge. There are still the lot more to learn in decorating the cake. You can make your cake more decorative by learning advanced course from Happie Returns Cake Baking classes in Chennai.

The beginner’s baking course will be a short length course, but it will take the time to learn for beginners. For advanced level baking class the course will be long term you will learn to bake various baking items.

For More: Baking Courses in Chennai


August 24, 2017

Types of cakes

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There are so many types of cakes available in this world, all of them come out of a same basic recipe with small variations added to the process. Some cakes are suitable for decorating heavily with fondant and buttercream, while others are ideal only for plain consumption. There are an infinite number of cake types available all over the world. We are taking you to a delicious journey of exploring them. If you are a beginner and interested in the art of baking, this article could be a great head start. Most cakes are a variation of a few basic types. When you master the art of making a batter for every type a 1000 more flavors and types can be pulled out of it.

Butter cakes

Butter cakes contain a lot of fatty substance of butter in it. They are also known as shortened cakes. They are usually soft, tender and moist. The fat content used can be either animal or vegetable fat.
American style butter cakes are especially popular in the United States. Cakes are generally served with an icing spread on it, any flavor of icing can be achieved using multiple ingredients, though chocolate and vanilla are the most famous ones. These cakes are ideal for decoration as they can take in any amount of filling or icing without collapsing.

cake classes in chennnai

Pound cakes

They were originated in Europe and later became popular all over the world. In this type of cake all the ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, baking powder are added in equal portions (a pound mostly) thus it was named as “pound cake”. This cake is extremely dense when compared to other types.

Foam cakes

Cakes are generally risen by the eggs or egg whites and the baking powder added to them. Here the air is added to the eggs by beating them and then folded into the batter. This causes the steam to rise during the baking process which in turn causes the cake to rise fluffily.

The egg white only cakes contain only the egg white, they do not contain the yolk part. Making them lighter and fat-free. These types of cakes give a spectacular rise and suitable trays should be used during baking them. Like other types, they can’t support heavy finishing of fondants or butter cream. Lighter glazes should be used instead.

Both egg white and yolk cakes contain both egg whites and the yolk part for a richer taste, they are still lighter than shortened cakes. They are also known as sponge cakes as their texture is soft and springy.

These are the basic types of cakes, you can now variate them with changes in the batter and in the flavors. Now that you’ve learned about the types of cakes and their baking methods, It’s time for baking. If you are living in Chennai an interested in the art of baking, we are ready to provide courses for you. Contact Happie Returns for Baking Classes in Chennai

For More: Professional Bakery Classes in ChennaiCake Making Classes in Chennai 


August 17, 2017

Cake Decorating Tips From Happiereturns

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Are you looking for cake decorating tips to precise all your mistakes? A good Baking classes in Chennai can provide you many techniques that will improve your baking skill.

Baking is a delightful craft, intended to bring pleasure and sweet flavor to any special event. Professional bakers make well-crafted cakes destined not only to amaze but to delight the taste buds too. Cake decorating is an art which is practiced in order to attain perfection. Creative ideas are essential, but performance is equally important. Consider a few cake decorating tips when planning to adorn your cake:
Learn to Make the Flawless Cake – You will be shocked that most decorators will practice in the instant cake mixes or pre made cakes, which is a better practice method. But an actual baker must get trained with a real cake and learn to make the flawless cake for decorating. The sense of completion is more satisfying and the taste of the cake will well complement the decoration.

Baking Classes in Chennai

Allow the Cake to Cool Before Trimming – It would be an ideal to let the cake in the freezer to cool fully as the crumbs would be made tighter and the moistness will be booked. This would also make the cake more firm when the real decorating originates. This is perhaps the most serious tip of all, and one that several home bakers flop to spot. Actually, if your icing job continuously appears rough or you every time appear to get tiny crumbs in the icing, just beginning to implement this small change, you could make all the modification.

Shape the Cake Well Before Icing – Trimming will take away the uneven edges of the cake. Level the top of the cake to create flat levels on each level. Most cake decorating tips would recommend icing the cake before starting the decoration as this will change the edges more polished and will add taste to the cake, not to remark seal in the moistness.

Select a Theme Properly Suitable for the Event – Think about the type of occasion and when planning to decorate a cake. Using Fondant in a summer cake is better when compared to Butterscotch, which is affected by moisture.

Decorating is the last stage in making a cake, the above-listed tips will give you some idea about decorating the cake if you need further clarification about decorating process and other issues you can join a Baking Courses in Chennai conducted by Happie Returns, a professional baking course Institute.


August 5, 2017

Baking Products that Every Baker Need

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Baking is an art and ability that only some people can master. When they do, bakers are valued as they are capable of making wonderfully tasty baking items. Every baker who masters the skill of baking needs a baking product to make those delicious desserts that everybody loves.
The baking items that every baker require are the following.

Flour: This is the essential thing for many baked items such as pancakes cakes, muffins, scones, and pies. This must be a stock item in your kitchen that is always replenished.

Baking Powder: This ingredient helps in raising your cake while baking and to lighten the texture. Without using the baking powder, the cake combination will not rise adequately and it will not be a soft and moderate texture.

Castor Sugar: This item can be used in several dessert steps. It also used as a decorative element that can be softly drizzled over a dessert to create it look more delicious and fashionable.

Icing Sugar: It is a necessary item in the creating icing which is used to cover or to decorate cakes. Add food coloring and you can modify the look of any cake.

Baking Chocolate: Baking chocolate is exactly made for the baking practice as it is accessible in wholesale and liquefies easily and consistently. You can dispense this chocolate into molded shape.

Sunflower Oil: It is always better to use a vegetal oil while baking cakes as it makes the mixture lighter and boosts the flavor. It is also right for frying pancakes to make sure that the cake flavor is not changed.

Nuts: This is a delightful thing that you can add to all dessert you bake. You can use a variety of nuts for every occasion, such as pecan nuts, almonds, and cashews. Then you can choose which nuts to add in muffins or cake.
These are the necessary baking things that you will require to create your favorite thing. Of course, there are added ingredients to each item, which you want to think about, but these are the main items that a baker must have in their pantry.
For more details, you can get detail about baking from Professional Bakery Classes in Chennai conducted by Happie Returns.


July 27, 2017

Tips for Home Based Baking Business

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Have you ever received any good reviews for your pastry every time you bake it? If so, have you think your product will have a good reach in the market? If you are interested in making extra revenue then you can start your own business. You can add more products to enhance your business. If you don’t have ideas about new pastry products you can join the Happie Returns Baking class to improve your skills.

A favorite item which you have made it repeatedly might be the answer to your question. You will be holding the recipe which everyone is looking for. Generally, the customers might feel like having the same products in all shops. Restaurants, caterers, hotels, local retail shops, sandwich shops and more are looking for a different recipe. If your product is unique and tasty you will have a huge demand for your product.

Before you start selling items you need a local business place to make your business legal. There are many procedures to start your home made business. I will describe the most important thing that you need to focus on the home made business.

The first step in starting your business is to get a license and permit for your business. Since it is a home made business, you will not be permitted to do business from your personal kitchen. You should have a separate kitchen to start your business. Some food items may be restricted to bake at home or your location may not fit for making food items. Spend some time with the officers in person or on a phone call to get your license.

Once you got the permission for your business, you can set up our business. The next step you have to do is you have to find a good place in your area to set up your business.

After you finished setting your business, your business should make some difference from other business competitors to make your business successful. Apart from your special recipe, you should know to bake some other to attract more customers.

A Professional Bakery Classes in Chennai will help you to learn different products. You can develop your business my having more knowledge in baking.

For More: Baking Courses in Chennai.


July 18, 2017

Happiereturns – Cupcake Baking Tips

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Happiereturns – Cupcake Baking Tips
If you think that you can have tasty cupcakes in the bakery. If you want to bake cupcakes like that then you can read the following guidelines from Happie returns and follow the tips and tricks mentioned.
The first step in baking is you should use fresh and good quality ingredients. Your cupcakes will have gourmet quality only if you use fresh and quality ingredients
Using correct flour. Everyone will use multipurpose flour to bake a cupcake. But using pastry flour will make your cupcake light and tasty. The wheat flour is heavy and grainy and healthier too., but you can’t get your desirable cupcake.
Use the exact quantity of ingredients to bake a cupcake. Today there are many recipes available online, but they provide a good recipe with a bad quantity of measuring methods. This is a real problem for many and so they couldn’t bake properly. Their measurement will not be proper. Follow the recipe, but don’t forget to add correct ingredients. The proportion of the ingredients depends on the recipe you follow. The quantity of ingredient depends on the recipe. If the recipe tells about eggs, then it means large eggs unless it is mentioned.
Mix the ingredients correctly and mix until it is combined well. If you didn’t mix well then you will not get the perfect texture of cupcake which you are expecting. The light mixing of batter will make the cupcake tough.

Best Baking Classes in Chennai
After making the batter correctly place it in the cupcake tin. Use paper liners in the tin. This helps you to remove the cupcake easier from the pan. This also keeps the cupcake from drying while waiting to serve.
Check your baking time and temperature frequently. Always it is best to use a reliable oven thermometer. Make sure that oven, which bakes the cupcake is at the right temperature before baking. Remember, it is good to keep the timer a few minutes lesser than it is mentioned in the recipe. Once the timer reaches its time, check whether the cupcake is baked or it needs to be baked. If it tends to bake still then reset the timer this will help you to avoid over baking. Use a toothpick to check the cupcake, if the stick is clean when it removed your cupcake is ready to serve. Take the cupcake out of the oven. Let it be cool until it is served.
If you face any issue with the above technique you can join Baking Courses in Chennai and learn complete baking tips and tricks. Practical experience in the class will help you bake with more confidence when you are doing in your home.
The next thing is decorating the cupcake. Some people can manage to bake a cupcake, but the most difficult part is decorating the cupcake. You need a practice to decorate the cupcake. The only way you can learn decorating is by attending Professional Bakery Classes in Chennai.
For More: Chocolate Making Classes in Chennai.


July 15, 2017

HappieReturns – Banana Bread Baking Ideas

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We all love bananas. They are a highly nutritious and favorite fruit that can be easily found in every country around the world. Bananas are exported across the world in large scale. They are in the second place highest thing exported across the world. There are not much more calories in a banana’s to worry and they taste delicious, but consuming them on your own every time will bring boring to you, even if you are the biggest banana fan.

With this thought in mind, I thought of sharing a very fast and simple banana bread formula. You can do this receipt at, your home on your own. This is not so complex to bake bread, the little practical experience will help you to bake better. You can find the recipe for making banana bread in the following paragraph. If you need a practical experience, then join Baking Courses in Chennai to get your hands in baking.

Ingredients for banana bread recipe:

The Ingredients are the first thing you need to know before you start baking. These are things that are mandatory, you should be likely to have in your kitchen if you don’t have these things, then you can buy it easily from the local supermarket. The ingredients that you need to make simple banana bread are:

* 4 bananas, the riper (or yellowish)

* 1/3 cup of raisins

*  egg

* 1 teaspoon of vanilla

* 3/4 cup of sugar

* 1 teaspoon of baking soda

* 1 and a half cups of flour

* 1/3 cup of butter

* Sprinkling of salt

Utensils needed:

* Cup (to measure your ingredients)

* Oven

* Wooden spoon

* Fork

* Cooling rack

* Teaspoon

* 4*8 deep loaf pan

* A large bowl

These are the ingredients needed to prepare banana bread to know how to make and to have practical experience join Baking Class in Chennai.

You don’t need to take in the raisins if you don’t like them or do not have them in your kitchen, they are just an extra part that we use to make the banana bread recipe little bit tastier. Join Happie Returns Baking Class to learn more interesting bread varieties.


July 13, 2017

Tips for baking cakes – Happie Returns

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Prepare the Baking Pan Suitably:
After doing all the work necessary in baking a cake, you mostly do not want the cake to twig to the pan or get damaged when taking it out from the oven. The key to take the cake smoothly from the oven lies in its preparation.
Know Your Oven:
For first few trials, you follow the similar cake formula, have attention on how your oven works. Does your cake get browner in the particular spot all time?
When learning to bake a cake, you will be disordered about the type of the oven to be bought. Is it better to purchase the best oven or a basic model? Not knowing whether you would be talented to learn to bake properly and also in a bid to study to bake in a profitable manner. I must say this simple oven has continuously given great effects. It is simple to handle and I know in what way it works. Happie Returns Professional Bakery Classes in Chennai will help you to find everything about baking.
Heat up the Oven:
The oven should be preheated at the recommended heat though you are mixing the components. The baking powder starts functioning as soon as it knocks the wet components. Every moment that you delay baking after mixing the cake ingredients, you drop the magic of baking powder. For best results, keep the oven prepared by pre-heating it and functioning quickly once the components have been mixed and get ready.
Be Persistent:
Intolerance sets in quickly after placing the pan in the furnace. We struggle to open the oven to see if the cake is heated or not if the cake is browning correctly or to see if it is completed. However, opening the oven earlier half the boiling time is over carries down its heat, which might affect rising of the cake.
Always bake on the center rack:
Be tolerant and wait till half the baking period is done. Most cake formulas give the baking duration. What it means is that the cake takes a minimum of 40 minutes to be baked. Sometimes, you may want to bake it for another 5 extra mins. If you were to bake a cake for this time period, then do NOT open the oven till 20 minutes have passed. After a particular period, open the furnace, make sure the whole thing is OK, and turn the pan halfway over if there is a hot spot.
To get more ideas about baking get registered in Baking Courses in Chennai. You can get more interesting tips and tricks about baking in those class.


5 Bread Baking Tips From Happie Returns.

July 6, 2017
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The French are known for their baking, they have a wonderful method for working their baking products. Happie Returns is offering Bread Baking Class at such a level.
You could have tried many times to bake Bread on your own and you could fail to do so. You don’t even need any special equipment or skills to master bread baking, just a simple tricks and tips and small practice session will make you bake better. Once you do it practically under some guidance with the tips and tricks you can do it normally in your kitchen.
Baking classes in chennai
5 tips for making perfect bread in your kitchen:
The Baking technique is all about working the bread which allows the bread very loose, making the mixture wetter will result in lighter, more elastic and soft bread. This bread will be wonderful without any doubt. The resultant dough will be a light crispy crust, crumb and unique of French bread.
You can’t learn to bake bread only by hearing the tips and tricks, the first thing you have to do is keep your hand on bread and do trial and error method, only then you will know about baking. The second thing you have to do is that, find a Baking Courses in Chennai so that you can have a practical training session. The practical session under an expert’s guidance will teach you more than reading tips and tricks by yourself.
Whenever you bake something you have to know the complete recipe of the product you are baking. The common issue which you face while baking bread is that, you will add excess water or scare water to the mixture. The practical experience will help you to get a consistent mixture. A trainer can help you get out of that issue quickly.
Weigh all ingredients that you add to the mixture. This will help you to repeat it again if you need the same result.
One you will follow the recipe you will get a result product. If you want to make an adjustment in the recipe notes taken in the previous time will help you to make adjustments. Therefore Taking notes will help you get a better result.
For More: Cake Baking Classes in Chennai, Professional Bakery Classes in Chennai.


June 30, 2017

Happie Returns Baking Class

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Many people have heard online cake delivery in Chennai but only very few will know about the Baking classes in Chennai conducted by the Happie returns. This Baking Courses in Chennai is available to anyone who is interested in cake baking and decorating. You can just be a beginner to discover a new interest or you might become a professional.
Baking Courses in Chennai
The chef at happie returns baking class is highly experienced and skillful. The course, which has been designed by the experts, promotes both traditional methods and modern developments of cake baking.
Happie Returns Professional Bakery Classes in Chennai offer the following for the participants:
• Practical experience,
• New talents, and
• Feedback about their performance.

They encourage your:
• Creative expressions,
• Precision, and
• Overall excellence.

What is a Happie Returns Baking Class about?
If you are intending to get certification in cake baking, Our baking program will help you to know the basic ideas about baking which will help you to get certified easily. It can be taken as a weekday or weekend session. The program teaches you:
• How to bake cakes, cookies, muffins, brownie and bread variety, etc.
• How to decorate and design special occasion cakes, and
• How to bake a multi-tier wedding cake.

Single-Day Program
Some people don’t find time for a lengthy course or they can’t spend time during weekdays. Happie Returns baking classes are available as a weekend course for those people. For people who find leisure time on weekdays, weekday courses are conducted.
What Courses are Offered?
For basic skill set, attend the beginner cake baking class covering the basic things that you need to know before start baking your own items. Advanced classes take you to the next level of baking, you will learn to make attractive designs over the cake and learn to bake special occasion cakes, and next level of other baking items.
A variety of one-day and two-day classes are available at the Happie Returns baking class. One day course will last for eight hours and the two-day course will last for four hours each. Some of the programs that are offered from time to time are:
• Introduction to icings and decorating,
• Baking and decorating class.
• Muffins baking.
• Cookies baking.
• Making Brownies.
• Baking different Bread variety,

When and Where are Classes Offered?
The classes will be offered throughout the year. The classes will be conducted in Chennai.


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