Decorating a cake doesn’t have to be complicated. It will be easy if you have a creative mind. You can find small little wildflowers that can be placed on the cake. Or it can be sugared with a little egg white and fine sugar.
Here are the tips to decorate a cake, first get one egg white and whip the white a little with a fork until it starts to get frothy. Put some fine sugar in a bowl or on a plate and have a spoon ready. Get a piece of waxed paper and spread that out next to your egg and sugar. Now gather up your flowers and leaves. Shake off any dirt or dust. Brush the egg white onto the petals and pour the sugar over the flower or leaf. And place them on the cake.
Fresh fruit is another winner, again you can sugar it with the egg wash and superfine sugar. Toasted nuts and coconut is the best way to cover the sides. Basket weaving is also a simple decorating technique. It is the first thing in decorating method. Ribbons are fabulous to decorate the cake.
Always work with the frozen or very cold cakes. This makes it so much easier to frost and decorate. The cake will soften inside the icing which will help to keep it moist. Do not attempt buttercream and piping bags. These are some of the cake decorating methods if you want to know more join us.
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